it's your time to hit $10K months on shopify.
again and again.

Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify
Six-Figure Shopify

Finally feel like you're building a brand, attracting your dream audience, and creating consistent Shopify sales.

All without relying on ads or agencies.

Let me guess...

You're constantly tweaking your website hoping it will make more people buy.

You know Shopify is a powerful tool and you see people rave about it, but you're overwhelmed and confused on how to use it the best for your brand so it actually helps you make more sales in your sleep.

You post on social media, but feel like you're not reaching your ideal audience.

You know your customers are out there but connecting with them and building an active, engaging community seems impossible. At this point, you've tried everything from ads to discounts to giveaways to gain more traction, but it's just not working and nothing is sticking.

You overwhelmed by the amount of information online telling you how to grow your business.

You've watched countless hours of YouTube, downloaded every freebie, expanded your product lines all to find out it's not as cut and dry as all the gurus make it out to be.

You know your product line is great, but don't know where to start to market it.

You have a specific vision in your head for how you want to brand to look and feel online, but when it comes to launching and handle your marketing, it feels like a game of chess without a starting point.

It took me one year to hit almost half a million in sales online.

5 years ago I was exactly where you are.

I had just started working for my parent’s woodworking retail store to help them get online. They had no social profiles, no online store, and no real proof that they existed outside of our small town. They were basically a ghost online.

So I got to work. And wow did I have my work cut out for me. I had experience in web design, but had no idea where to start with ecommerce, especially in an industry I was so unfamiliar with. Every day felt like a new attempt at throwing spaghetti at the wall just hoping and praying something would stick.

And despite trying everything from ads to giveaways to Facebook groups that saw no return, I learned as I went, and slowly but surely, we hit $1100 in sales...then $65,000...then added another $96,000 to that.

And within our first year online (and through LOTS of trial and error), we did almost half a million in sales.

now 5 years later, I've transformed them from not only a local retail store but to a nationwide online brand that does multiple six-figures every year.

And You Can Do The Same.

Let's Skip The Throwing Spaghetti At The Wall Phase And Make  Your Random Tuesday Look Like This.

show me

Six-Figure Shopify

your proven, step-by-step game plan to growing an audience and hitting consistent 5-figure months on shopify.
1 — audit
2 — attract
3 — optimize
4 — scale

everything you need to attract, grow, and sell on repeat.

12 x 1:1 Weekly Calls with personalized feedback

Each week, we'll meet 1:1 to discuss that week's topic at hand, providing feedback on anything you feel stuck on strategize your next steps to bring in sales moving forward.

training portal

A vault filled with video tutorials and mentoring lessons covering everything from building your brand so it stands out from competitors to full walkthroughs of how to optimize your Shopify store so it gets more customers to buy.

direct private
messaging access

Between each call you'll receive private messaging access for feedback on building an audience, social media content creation, managing your website, and anything in-between you have questions on.

You'll Learn How To:

  • Build a brand aesthetic that stands out from your competitors and has customers coming back for more.

  • Use your Shopify analytics as the powerful driver behind knowing exactly what to do to boost your sales.

  • Craft beautiful product pages with ease to drive more sales and higher conversions.

  • Combine your audience, your website, and email list to form a seamless sales funnel.

  • Harness the power of social media as the forefront of your brand to capture an audience that's ready to buy.

  • Utilize email marketing to create repeat sales, keep the momentum going, and increase your profit margins.

what if...

You woke up every day knowing how to approach your marketing and exactly what to work on to hear that Shopify cha-ching

You ditched constantly tweaking of your Shopify store knew what to include on your website so it sells for you even while you’re sleeping

You stopped the cycle of throwing money into ads, running giveaways for followers, and overbuying inventory because you have a growth system to attract, sell, and repeat.

You said goodbye to chasing the next sale and had a proven system to bring in sales consistently

You no longer felt like a ghost online and instead felt like you were directly in front of your audience, rallying a fan club for your brand

You didn't feel the need to avoid email marketing like the plague and instead used it to your advantage to get sales on autopilot

six-figure shopify has got you covered.

understanding analytics
building a scalable brand
social media content creation
cohesive product photography
generating website traffic
shopify setup & organization
sales psychology & messaging
email marketing automations

hey I'm Rachael, a shopify partner and ecommerce strategist

I started my own web and brand design business on the side two years ago while running my parent's ecommerce store in-house with no intention of going all in on Shopify at the time.

As I focused solely on just designing and building websites for other small businesses, more clients came and go where I began to feel there was a HUGE gap every time I handed over a completed website.

Sure my client now had a beautiful new website, but they had no idea how to market it for sales and no one to help them along the way as their online business grew and changed.

I created Six-Figure Shopify both because I wish a step-by-step program like this existed when I first started in ecommerce and I felt a serious pull to fill the gap for my clients who had fantastic product brands but no experience in how to market them.

Rachael xx

This isn't just another online course promising you the world.

because honestly I hate those.

So many courses get you alllll excited for these magical outcomes, then dump you with a load of random videos and information and you're just supposed to know how to implement it.

Yeah, this is 100% NOT that.

This isn't a bunch of "this should work in theory" nonsense.

This is the step-by-step process I worked through in my parents' business to gain traction, build an audience, kickstart an email list, and bring in thousands of $$$ in sales every month (just without all the extra time it took me to learn from my mistakes obviously).

This program exists because I truly cannot wait to nerd out with you about your business, bring your story and brand to life, and help you build the vision in your head. All with a little insight from a marketing mindset.

show me

included resources

(that I should probably charge extra for)
the exact brand strategy method

I've used to craft custom brand identities for clients that you'll now be able to replicate to create your own brand's aesthetic and keep your brand consistent across your social media, website, and promotional material.

my homepage framework

You won't be staring at your screen wondering what your homepage is missing anymore. This plug n' play outline is for both single-product stores and stores with hundreds of products proven to convert browsers to buyers.

MY SEO-FIRST shopify checklist

Deeper than just checking a few boxes, this checklist covers everything from categorizing products to setting up your shipping to making sure your website is fully search engine optimized.

product messaging that sells

It's not about what you sell, it's about HOW you sell it. With your audience and sales psychology in mind combined with my favorite product messaging hacks, we'll make writing product descriptions and website copy a breeze.

content strategy planner

Say goodbye to not knowing what to post and how to get your audience to engage. This content strategy planner is tiered towards creating content that converts to sales.

my six-figure email automations

Email is the key to making money in your sleep and truly scaling a brand. You'll receive the key automations and the strategies behind how to get customers to open your emails and buy directly from their inbox.

Stop waiting to get serious about your marketing until after you hit magical growth.

Spoiler Alert: That's not how it works.

Your ticket to consistent $10K months on Shopify.

pay in full

  • 12 WEEKLY 1:1 CALLS




one-time payment of $1500

payment plan

  • 12 WEEKLY 1:1 CALLS




3 monthly payments of $500
Not sure if Six-Figure Shopify is for you?
Book a call and let's chat!


What if I just launched my website and don’t have sales yet?
I’m not a designer. Is this still a fit for me?
I already look at my numbers. Do I really need the “Audit” module?
I know what I should be doing, but what if I don’t have the time to do it?
Will this work for me if I have my store somewhere else than Shopify?
Will you need access to my Shopify store?
12 weeks is a long time. Do you have something shorter?
I need help designing my website. will this program help me with that?
how much time should i estimate to set aside for this program?

this is for you if...

  • You want an actionable, step-by-step plan on how to grow your audience and convert them to Shopify sales

  • You're not sure how to make your Shopify store reflect your brand and build the vision in your head

  • You're ready to stop feeling like a ghost online and take control of your marketing without wasting money on ads

  • You want insight and consistent feedback as you learn to grow and market your biz online

this isn't for you if...

  • You don't quite have your Shopify store launched yet

  • You’re just here to sell a product, instead of a long-lasting brand

  • You’re not ready to do the work and show up to market your business

  • You still want to use ads as a bandaid for getting traffic to your website.

  • You're unable to set aside a few hours each week to dedicate to the program

Nail your messaging and position in the market
Establish your audience to drive traffic
Optimize your website to generate sales
scale and repeat with email automations

stop the cycle

Magical growth doesn't happen by doing the same thing you're already doing.

pay in full

  • 12 WEEKLY 1:1 CALLS




one-time payment of $1500

payment plan

  • 12 WEEKLY 1:1 CALLS




3 monthly payments of $500